Joint Press Release Honkoop Barging and IT Partner


Honkoop Barging and IT Partner
complete successful implementation
of new 
barge planning tool

Honkoop Barging is ready for the future with CENTER Barging

Rotterdam, The Netherlands – 10th of August 2021 – IT Partner, part of the IT Partner Group, and Honkoop Barging have developed a new planning tool for barge operators in close cooperation, called CENTER Barging, the latest module in the CENTER SUITE.

This new tool was created with the input of Honkoop Barging, combined with the expertise of IT Partner. The end result is a generic planning tool that can be used by almost all barge operators to work more efficiently, make planning easier and facilitate communication with customers, skippers and terminals.

"In this process of development and implementation, we have looked closely at our processes and our wishes. What is striking is that IT Partner also just said no, if we asked for something that would not be good for our way of working. The support we have received from the people of IT Partner before, during and also after Go-live has been experienced by everyone as extremely nice", says Henri Honkoop, owner and founder of Honkoop Barging.
The benefits of working with CENTER Barging were already visible in the first weeks. With CENTER Barging there is now more overview in the planning, all information is in a central place so that everyone has the right information, any time of the day. Transferring a booking from one ship to another is now much easier. And that also applies to invoicing. Everything we do for our customers and the agreements we make are registered. As a result, fewer mistakes are made and that results in a profit."

"The challenge in this project was to always keep the focus on the generic part and not fall into the trap of customization. We have now come up with a tool that we can adapt to different ways of working through configuration. This allows us to offer an affordable and flexible solution to practically all barge operators. The fact that we came to this result together with Henri and his people makes me proud", says Rob Jordan, founder and co-owner of IT Partner.

The unique features of CENTER Barging:

  • All information about bookings and schedules centralized.
  • Easy to adjust schedules or transfer bookings
  • Customers of barge operators can track the cargo via the customer portal with the track & trace option
  • All COPINO and BICS messages can be easily generated and sent with 1 click
  • Integration with Portbase or another PCS system is possible
  • Easy invoicing for all processed shipments and bookings

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To request the brochure The Future of Barging please use this link:

 About IT Partner
The IT Partner Group consists of IT Partner, Caribbean Software Solutions and VSH-Tech. For more than twenty years, they have been offering software solutions for the maritime and logistics sector. IT Partner Group specializes in ports, terminals, ship agents, forwarding and stevedoring companies. IT Partner Group does this by fully sharing its knowledge and expertise of this sector.
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 About Honkoop barging
Honkoop Barging was founded in 2007 by Henri Honkoop.
Since then Honkoop Barging has been a reliable logistics service provider for shipping containers, dry and conventional loads. With their fleet of various inland vessels, they can deliver cargoes in a responsible manner, just-in-time, to the desired location.
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