Introducing a new Yard and Vessel Planning System, CENTER Masterplan

This week we will dive deeper into our Yard and Vessel planning solutions called CENTER Masterplan, one of IT Partners CENTER Suite software products.

Center Masterplan is a powerful software product for the visualization of your terminal yard planning, vessel planning, quay planning and move control.

Center Masterplan is an advanced planning application that allows multiple terminal locations to be managed and multiple planning views to be displayed in one overview. in addition, yard visualization and vessel planning will be combined in one product, along with quay and move control. This makes Center Masterplan a powerful and robust software product that allows you to work reliably and efficiently.

Interfacing with external software
Center Masterplan is available as part of Center Suite, but can also be used as a standalone software product. It is then simply linked to your existing Terminal Operating System (TOS). However, a TOS is not necesssary, even without TOS, Center Masterplan can be used perfectly.

Center Masterplan is a Yard and Vessel Planning System:

  • Built using latest standards and development practices.
  • Comprehensive user authentication, authorization and auditing options.
  • Centralized data storage allows everyone to work with the latest information.
  • Configurable reports through SSRS and spreadsheet exporting option.
  • Can work stand-alone or leverage the synergy of the entire Center Suite.

(Yard planning, Vessel planning, Quay planning and Move control)

Yard configuration
The first step for your yard planning is configuring your terminal. You can draw your own terminal lay-out by integrating your own bays, rows and tiers.

The yard configuration is equipped with:

  • Intuitive drawing tools. This will help you as user to draw your yard easily.
  • Work with an actual geographic map. The geographic map will be loaded from Goolge Earth.
  • Support definition of terminal boundaries, zones, bay and row wise stacked areas and undefined (heap) areas.
Yard configuratie

Yard visualization
The yard visualization will help you to monitor your yard operations. The yard visualization will show you:

  • Real time updates of your terminal operation.
  • Search option to quickly find locations and containers.
  • Detail views, including row, bay, layer and top-down layer.
  • Configurable color schemes, slot annotations and display icon mappings, with option to allow different configurations for different types of detail view.
  • Quickly and easily correct data or create move jobs.
Yard visualisation

Vessel configuration
In the vessel configuration all the relevant data of a vessel will be saved. This will help you to quickly see important data and the basic elements for planning your vessel. Vessel configuration is also:

  • Easy to use visual tool to create vessel structures.
  • Interactive bay plan vie, possibility to change the  setting of stowage cells properties in bulk.
  • Assign multiple elements to slot.

Vessel planning
By selecting a call, a window will appear with all relevant information from that call. You can compair the discharge and loadfiles, with different EDI-files. The vessel planning has different features who will help you too:

  • Create prestow.
  • Differences overview to quickly spot issues in DSO and stowage.
  • Point and click to plan discharges and loads.
  • Sequence moves and assign cranes and adjust performance parameters for each crane.
  • Configurable color schemes, slot annotations and display icon mappings, including letter plan, sequence and crane assignments, etc.
  • Crane split display and report.
  • Bay plan reports.
Vessel Planning

External interfaces
The external interfaces gives you the ability to connect Center Masterplan with any terminal operating system (TOS).

  • Process real-time information from external systems on position of containers on the yard.
  • Import BAPLIE and MOVINS EdiFact messages.
  • Export BAPLIE for planned stowage.
  • Export job sequences and vrane assignments.
  • Import DSO and LDO from external systems.
  • Import call and vessel information from external systems.
Center Suite Applications

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